I know people are just fascinated with the bizarre events surrounding the life and death of Anna Nicole Smith.
But aren't we losing some perspective here?
The death of her son was tragic, doubly so on the heels of the birth of her baby girl. Her own death so soon afterwards has ignited a media feeding frenzy, the likes of which we haven't really seen on such a scale since the disgusting O.J. Simpson debacle, complete with much of the same wall to wall coverage on nearly every major news outlet.
And the judge is obviously milking it for all it's worth, apparently with an eye towards becoming the next Judge Judy.
Meanwhile, the non-binding vote of Congress making a symbolic stand opposing the Bush administration's blind determination to send more of our troops into harm's way has been reduced to an occasional blurb. The mounting death toll in Iraq barely rates an honorable mention, and the unbelievably pathetic attempt by the Bush administration to spin Britain's planned withdrawal of their troops as a positive thing gets a brief hashover by some talking heads, as they rush to get back to discussing the latest 'breaking news' about the Anna Nicole Smith legalities.
Can we please have a reality check here?
The simple solution to the Smith fiasco is obvious to everyone except the judge, it seems. She bought burial plots in the Bahamas, buried her son there, and was pretty damned open about her wish to be buried beside her son. It doesn't matter what 'influence' anyone had at that point. The fact remains that she buried her son there and wanted to be with him. Any mother with a heart could certainly understand that. Why is it so hard for this damn judge to comprehend such a simple thing?
Bury her beside her son, get the stupid DNA tests done, and get over it.
THOUSANDS of good and decent Americans have already died in Iraq. The death rate is climbing, every poll of the Iraqi citizenry confirms they want us OUT of there, and we're obssessing over a trial being dragged out by a wannabe-a-tv-star judge???????
PLEASE!!! ENOUGH already!!!!!
We need wall to wall coverage of everything that is going on in Iraq right now. We need full exposure of every death resulting from Bush's obssession with Iraq, an obssession that is now threatening to spread to include Iran. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is unravelling, our own borders are being overrun by illegal aliens pouring across them, and the border patrol is getting sandbagged by our own government giving a criminal a free pass while railroading guys trying to do the job they were hired to do.
Again, REALITY CHECK, please!
Call me politically incorrect, but for some reason, it seems to me that there are far more pressing issues that deserve wall to wall coverage than where Anna Nicole Smith gets buried. News item, certainly, but not a news item deserving of the frothing and obssessive coverage it is getting.
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I agree! If everyone is so bound and determined to soak hours of their day into a gossip ritual...so be it!! But, I'm getting sick and tired of the media shoving it down our throats. Taking away, yet another 'Right' to view what we choose.
There IS NO changing the channel, as it is on EVERY channel. Remind you of anything???
A bunch of puppets, passing themelves off as journalists, reporters...voices for the people. It's nothing but a joke.
It is one's 'Right' to be interested in anything and also to watch it. BUT, it should be on a channel that supplies this material for this sole purpose.
There are still some of us left in this world who are interested in, and also grieving for our country. A very uncertain future lies ahead for us all. So, I would like to 'own' the choice to hear what is going on, to be able to turn on a NEWS Station and actually HEAR the news!!!!
My blog is "Holding Them Accountable" but it has not been active for awhile now. I never knew much about blogging but was under the impression that it was about inter-acting with like-minded people and at times, even to expect a good debate to ensue from a topic not agreed with. I soon realized that the intellectual stimulation I was expecting was similar to the state of our country...OUT TO LUNCH!!!
I noticed your blog when I was contacted due to your name, Liberty Blue, as I am Lady Liberty! And decided to check it out. It is very well written and it's obvious that you have a deep concern for this country, as I do.
Writing an article, being it factual and confronting, as in..."What have you done for your country" will get little replies, as most have done NOTHING...THUS the reason our country is dangling from a frayed rope on the edge of a cliff headed into oblivion.
I've busted my ass since the 60's as an activist and have continued as this administration has spit in our faces over the past 7 years, and others have too, but there have not been ENOUGH Americans loving their country to do so.
It is much easier working their 9 to 5 and plopping their ass on a chair and watching moronic television shows...while this country is being destroyed.
I have lost so much faith in Americans who insist on still calling themselves...Americans!!!
They are cowards and have failed as American Citizens!!!
Sorry for so long a response, but I had a lot to say!
Good Luck with your blog and dealing with the senseless, mindless chit-chat that so many seem to thrive on to make it through their pitiful, meaningless lives!!!
Peace...Lady Liberty
Welcome, Lady Liberty! It's always good to connect with others who 'get it', and I echo your sentiments down to the last dotted "i" and crossed "t".
I'll be sure to surf by your blog and say howdy, even if you haven't posted in a while. I fully understand the feeling of futility in a world that seems to have lifted apathy to an art form.
Maybe that will be the topic of my next post..... ;)
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